Our Services
We offer a wide range of services for you and your family. In addition to the services below, please see the additional services now offered on the other pages.
(Blood pressure checks, Pharmacy First for 7 common infections (may include antibiotic prescriptions), referrals received by the pharmacy for urgent medicine supply or treatment of minor conditions)
Dispensing NHS or Private
We dispense both NHS and private prescriptions. We can advise you on how to take your medicines appropriately and gain most benefit from them.
New Medicines Service NHS free
When you are prescribed a medicine to treat a long term condition such as hypertension, diabetes, respiratory disease, taking blood thining medications and many others for the first time, our pharmacist will support you to use the medicine safely and to best effect.
Unwanted medicine NHS
You can return all unwanted medicines to the pharmacy where we can dispose of them safely. Please return your used or empty inhalers to us, do not throw them in your household waste, it can damage the environment.
Seasonal Flu Vaccinations (usually October-January) NHS free or Private
We are able to offer FREE Flu jabs to eligible patients every winter. For more information on flu vaccinations and eligibility, please visit
Flu vaccine - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Emergency Hormonal Contraception NHS free or to buy
We can supply the 'morning after' pill for women who have had unprotected sex as part of our emergency hormonal contraception service. You can buy EHC at the pharmacy but young women aged 21 and under can get EHC free of charge from the pharmacies. No appointment needed.
The C-Card Scheme NHS free
Young people between 13-24 years old who can register to get a range of free condoms, femidoms, lube, dams, information and advice.
The aim of the service is to promote reproductive and sexual health and help young people to access local services.
Treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infection for women only
NHS charge or exemptions may apply
We can treat 16-64 year old non pregnant women if they present any symtoms of UTI, please consult our pharmacist who may provide a course of antibiotics if it is needed.
Hayfever advice
Advice and supply of helpful medication is available from the pharmacist.
Travel health products
Care home services
First aid supplies
Health foods, vitamins and supplements
Holiday medications
Incontinence supplies
Needles exchange